(Before proceeding you need to check your email for your Reseller ID. I should arrive within 5 minutes. If you don't receive it within 60 minutes then click here to contact us.)
Instant Promotional Tools!
Experienced resellers -- Click here now
Inexperienced Resellers - Here are your instructions:
If you don't have your own website yet but want to use one for your promotion then follow the instructions on this page.
It's really easy to get setup and by the time you're done you'll have your own web page, domain name, and hosting account to use!
If you are not sure how to download the web page .zip files then click for instructions before proceeding with Step 1.

Before you can get started you'll need to choose the page you want to use.
The web pages we've provided for you have a different combination of everything you need!
A "Weekly Tip" optin form which is used to accept subscriptions to our "Weekly Marketing Tips", which will turn people into sales for you.
Each outgoing Weekly Tip contains product links with YOUR reseller ID embedded into them. If anyone buys a product via the Weekly Tips links, you make the commission!
A product box cover that is linked to your Reseller ID.
When anyone clicks on the "Amazing Formula" product box cover and buys the product, you earn the 60% commission!
A banner ad that is linked to your Reseller ID.
When anyone clicks on this banner ad and buys the product, you earn the 60% commission!
A navigation bar OR other graphic image or text link that includes your reseller URL.
When anyone clicks the navigation bar and buys ANY of the products on that page, you earn the 50% to 60% commission!
Plus, it has an exit pop page that sells 8 of our best selling products.
When the web page is closed, the "exit pop" comes out and offers 8 products for them to choose from. If they buy any of these products, you earn the commission, ranging from 50% to 60% per sale!

Click for 6 different sites to choose from!
Choose your page, then click the corresponding link to "Download It".
Save the newly downloaded .zip file to your desktop, or somewhere you can find it easily right away.

When the download has completed you need to unzip the ".zip" file to a new folder on your desktop.
If you're unfamiliar with zipping and unzipping files, check out our "Ultimate Beginners Guide". You can also search on the keyword "Winzip instructions" in your favorite search engine, but in addition to learning how to unzip, the Beginners Guide from websitetricks.com will also teach you lots of great things!
When you know how to unzip the files:
Double click the .zip file icon, and Winzip will open up. (If you don't have Winzip, click here to download it http://www.winzip.com)
Once you have unzipped the file, look inside for "instructions.txt".
Those are your instructions for editing the "index.html" page.
Once you are finished editing the index.html page to include your 6 digit Reseller ID in place of the six XXXXXX then you can resave the page with the same file name -- to the same location.

Before you can continue setting up your website, you're going to need to register your own domain name.
This will be your own ".com" domain name.
The easiest domain name registrant to use is http://www.dotster.com
You can use their service to register your own domain name for $15 a year. Once you have chosen and registered your domain, then move to step "D".
If you already have your own domain name or plan to use a free host without your own domain name, then skip this step and move to "Step D".

If you do not have a web host yet, then you can get one for $1 USD a month here:
If you want to use a free hosting account and don't mind a pop up window then you can try this option instead:
FreeServers.com: http://www.freeservers.com/tour/index.html
Free ProHosting.com: http://free.prohosting.com/
If you already have a hosting account skip the instructions above.
Once you have purchased or signed up for your hosting account, you'll need to get the "DNS" (Domain Name Servers) from them, and change that in Dotster.com

When your hosting account is set up, your host will give you some FTP information. This is what you need to "Transfer" your web site files to the server.
(The files are the ones that you downloaded and edited!)
You're going to need:
FTP Hostname
FTP Username
FTP Password

If you are not sure how to FTP you can search on the term "FTP" online using Google.com and locate many step by step instructions to use.
You can also learn more about "How to FTP" in the "Ultimate Beginners Guide" from http://www.websitetricks.com
Once you know how to upload files, then continue reading:
Login to your hosting account by FTP, and upload index.html to your account, along with the individual images that were also included in the .zip file.
As long as you upload ALL the files (with the exception of "instructions.txt"), then you should not have any problems.
Once your site has been uploaded, you should be able to type in:
And the page should appear on the screen!
Of course you need to replace "YOURDOMAIN.com" with your new domain name.
When your site is appearing fine, you're ready to promote!
Click here to return to the main page, then proceed to button #3.

If you're familiar with editing your web page and want to add some additional tools, then you can choose from the following:
Optin Pop Ups
404 error pages
Banner Ads
Ebook/Software Covers
Micro Buttons
Advanced Users: get our complete arsenal of tools, click here.